Want Healthier Skin? Why Start With Your Gut

If your skin doesn't look as healthy as you want it to, the problem could be hiding in your gut. You might not realise this, but an unhealthy gut can lead to unhealthy skin. That's because there aren't enough nutrients to nourish your complexion. As a result, your skin will look dull, and lifeless. Unfortunately, it will also lose some of its natural elasticity. That's where a healthy gut comes into the picture. There are actually many benefits to having a healthy gut. One of those benefits is better digestion. But, healthy skin is another important benefit to maintaining a healthy gut. If you're not sure how to improve your gut health, and your skin, read the list provided below. You'll find three steps to get you started. 

Feed Your Microbiome

When it comes to maintaining a healthy gut, the first thing you need to do is feed your microbiome. That's the natural flora that lives inside your gut. When the natural flora is healthy, your gut is healthy. Luckily, that health spreads to your skin. One way to feed your microbiome is to add probiotics to your daily diet. Some probiotics to add to your diet include yoghurt, sauerkraut, and coconut kefir. Try to eat a serving of probiotics each day. 

Curb the Sweet Tooth

If you've got a sweet tooth, your gut might be paying the price. Unfortunately, that means your skin isn't as healthy as it should be either. Sweets are fun to eat, but they're not good for your gut. They're also not good for your complexion. To improve gut and skin health, try to limit the refined sugar you eat each day. This includes soda and sweet snacks. It especially includes processed foods that are high in refined sugar. 

Heal Your Leaky Gut

If you're worried about your complexion, it's time to heal your leaky gut. You might not know this, but a leaky gut can harm your skin. One way to heal your leaky gut is to add bone broth to your daily diet. Bone broth is rich in collagen and gelatin. Both of these ingredients are excellent for your gut, and for your skin. Bone broth helps to heal leaky guts. But, it also helps reduce the occurrence of acne flare-ups. You can warm your bone broth, and drink it like you would a cup of tea. 

If you're trying to improve your skin, start with your gut. The tips provided here will help you heal your gut, and improve the condition of your skin. To learn more, contact a company such as Ologist.
